11 days to go

Brazilian Actor & Actress

It’s 11 days to our event. We are super excited. Yipee!!! Catch Lazaros Ramos & Tais Araujo at the ONE Millenium Hotel New York City on the 26th of September, 2017. This event is strictly by invitation.
So who are they?

Lazaro Ramos & Tais Araujo Actor & Actress CONFIRMED

They are arguably the most famous black actress in Brazil. Araújo and her equally notable actor husband, Lázaro Ramos, are the most visible black couple in the country. Even though 50% of Brazil’s population is of African descent, black people are rarely seen in the media. Araújo and her husband are breaking barriers every time they appear on their national TV show, “Mr. Brown,” a series is inspired by Beyoncé and Jay Z

To request an invitation visit events.mipad.org
#NewYork #FashionWeek #UNGA #AfricanDescent #BlackExcellence #BlackExcellenceWorldwide

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