Meet the Speakers : Sheila S Walker, PhD


Sheila S Walker, PhD, a cultural anthropologist and documentary filmmaker, has done fieldwork, lectured, and participated in cultural events in most of Africa and the Global African Diaspora and has numerous scholarly and popular publications. Executive Director of the non-profit Afrodiaspora, Inc., her goal is to share her experiences and knowledge of the Global African Diaspora. Her book, African Roots/American Cultures: Africa in the Creation of the Americas, and companion documentary, Scattered Africa: Faces and Voices of the African Diaspora, are based on her international conference on “The African Diaspora and the Modern World.” Her book, Conocimiento desde adentro: Los afrosudamericanos hablan de sus pueblos y sus historias/Knowledge from the Inside: Afro-South Americans Speak of their People and their Histories (in Spanish), features chapters by Afrodescendants from all the Spanish-speaking countries in South America. Her most recent documentary is Familiar Faces/Unexpected Places: A Global African Diaspora. Dr. Walker was Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for African and African American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and Professor of Anthropology and Director of the African Diaspora and the World program at Spelman College.

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