In September 2015, the General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With that in mind MIPAD following the Number 16 SDG goal
(Peace and Justice Strong Institution)
We introduce you to;
TechSolves is an initiative that aims to leverage technology to solve today’s issues and make the world a better place.
So why Techsolves? Well, it’s pretty simple….
Our focus is on solving SDGs to enable us to build a sustainable & prosperous planet for all humanity. We work in partnership and cooperation with those who share our values.
This MIPAD Initiative in collaboration with People of African Descent network through global recognition support them (MIPADIANS)with leadership training and they in turn make local impact in their communities which are in support of UN’s two initiative UN IDPAD and UN SDGs respectively.
Our first SDG focus is solving Voting gaps in NIGERIA through an avenue called VOTING HACKATHON
With 100M+ Eligible voters, 64.7M Voters, 29M Votes cast in the last election. Techsolves wants to change these figures using ideas through technology.
Here is how it works
– Submit your ideas
– Participate in the hackathon
– Implement
Ideas submission are now opened. Together let us make meaningful impact. We look forward to your ideas.