Oumar Barou Togola

Oumar Barou Togola is a social entrepreneur. He is honoured to collaborate with many like-minded people around the globe who are also focused on rewriting the African narrative. Africans and the African diaspora celebrate our collective ancestry and are assisting in supporting equity and transparency in all our affairs.

A self-driven entrepreneur from Mali and Canada, his childhood experiences instilled an appreciation for sub-Saharan Africa’s natural resources and the conscious need for equitable and dignified community development. Through the lens of women-led sustainable agriculture and the upliftment of biodiverse farming communities, Africa will strive again.

His business background and strong family ties to Mali and Africa are instrumental in maintaining equitable, direct partnerships that contribute to his efforts to revive what Africa has always been: MAGNIFICENT and FLOURISHING.

With his team at Farafena, they have shared their story and offered their products across markets in Canada, the USA and UK and aim to change the perception of ‘AID’ in Africa to one of empowerment and self-reliance.

With Savanna, they are building a local ‘farm-to-fork’ ecosystem that focuses on both smallholder farmers and consumers. Through community engagement and transparent equity, smallholder farmers will lead the revitalization of rural lands and communities.

They are achieving this by:

◆ Providing the tools to women for self-sustainability and the knowledge they seek to educate the next generation.

◆ Growing equitable and transparent connections between African agricultural products and both the regional and world markets.

◆ Delivering an abundance of food throughout Africa to every corner of the world.

◆ Promoting health and sustainability through our offerings of nutritious food, and an equitable exchange with local smallholder farmers.

With Chiwara they are perpetuating an authentic African and Black narrative. The Chiwara community celebrates its genesis and its continuing journey through the beauty of fashion and storytelling. We contribute stories, hope and diversity through clothing that resonates with humanity. Fashion unites and elevates our souls to seek that future world. We celebrate African stories and values through art, innovation & impact for humans of the new world.

Well done Oumar!!

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