Samir Rafaela

Samir Rafaela is a Dutch Member of the European Parliament for the social-liberal political party D66. As such she is part of the Renew Europe Group. Rafaela ran on the promise to fight for a strong, social, and secure Europe. She strongly believes that the EU is at its best when we work together to diminish inequality and celebrate our diversity. Samira brings a unique mix of background and life experiences to that end. To be “United in Diversity”, as the EU’s official motto goes.


Born the daughter of a Jewish Curaçaoan-Dutch mother, and a Ghanaian-Nigerian Muslim father, Samira carries in her a wide range of backgrounds that has inspired her to have an open-minded view of the world. In her Parliamentary work, she applies this open-mindedness every day. Whether it is to strive for a fairer, more sustainable trade policy or a more inclusive European labour market.


Samira grew up just north of Amsterdam, in a town called Uitgeest. After attending secondary school, she studied public administration at the University of Leiden. There she specialized in the origins of radicalization and terrorism. While at university, she became politically active with the Jonge Democraten, or ‘Young Democrats’ political youth organization. It is in this period when Samira fostered her early ambitions to one day be an elected MEP.

Her political goals developed further as her professional career took off. Samira began her career as a trainee with the greater Amsterdam metropolitan region’s governance structure. Later she worked as an advisor in the municipal government of Amsterdam proper. She then moved on to join the staff of the leadership of the National Dutch Police. While working at the police, Samira was the national project manager for inclusive policies.

Samira quit her job at the police when on 4 June 2019 the Kiesraad (Electoral Council) formally announced the European Election results for the Netherlands. She had been elected to European Parliament, as one of its youngest members. Samira Rafaela, MEP gives voice to a new generation of Europeans that will form a new European Coalition to support the EU for years to come.

We are proud of you Samira!!


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